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      Internal Recruitment

      Home > Recruitment > Internal Recruitment

      Human resources are the most important resources, we need high-quality staff, so that we can in the constantly updated technology era to maintain our leading position in the industry. We are looking for a high sense of responsibility, team spirit and sense of quality staff; and a master spirit, positive enterprising talent. We offer as your occupation career foundation work. We have a competitive salary system, and tolerance, communication and work culture environment. We employ to quickly familiar with the work and having a collective spiritual seekers, with us to pull together in times of trouble. If you are a perseverance and the courage to bear the responsibility of the talents, we would be honored to have you to make you my career.

      We look forward to the enthusiasm to join. Have the intention, please send your resume ( please indicate the position ) is sent to the recruiting department,Recruitment mailbox:ma_xiulian@db-toys.cn。

      Internal Recruitment:

      Dept. Position Place Number Date

          Nothing found

      TaiCang DB Toys Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.

      Add: FuQiao Industrial Park,Fuqiao town,Taicang city,Jiangsu province

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